44 Comments for this entry |
untotonog Jul 29, 2009 10:54 |
18]Кушва Секс знакомства
Ричиус отпрянул. maybe сайт знакомств Сабрина отпрянула, не скрывая обиды. интимную музыку В груди зашевелились щупальца страха. сколько зарабатывают на сайтах знакомств — Но с чего бы я мог поступить иначе, граф? Я почитаю за честь занять место отца. Познакомиться с Корсиным Алексеем На дворе замка Джал изумленно смотрел, как сдаются талистанцы. Приказ о сдаче быстро облетел весь отряд. Как только всадники бросили копья, а из замка высыпали слуги с их разномастным оружием, Ричиус и Праведники поспешно выехали вперед, выкрикивая приказы и разбивая всадников на небольшие группы. Пракстин-Тар и его воины окружали солдат. казахстан сайт знакомства актюбинск Когда Ричиус приблизился, Баррет отогнал от себя девиц, и они с Петвином встали. знакомства канада |
Jul 17, 2009 11:03 |
I think you have misunderstood the critique. No one is saying you are harming that singers reputation. You are just stating that females are completely useless when it comes to serious hacking. Girls can only code (do physical labor) and study math (some algorithmic stuff that the cool guys don't need). You don't seriously pretend that your cool guy characters would not know how to code, do you? The only reason why you mention she is a coder and a crypto-analyst is because cool guys are required to date a girl with such qualifications in order to remain cool.
I believe the male characters are as well real life figurines. The difference is that the male characters depicted actually do hacking in real life and your girl character does not. Taking into account that she has been modeled after a singer and not a hacker is going to make it really hard to give her any substance. Her character will always be "just playing on the radio".
My suggestion for your next comic would be to turn your irl hacking actions into actions of the girl characters in the comic. And bring the male characters in from television. I don't see you tolerating Ricky Martiny or Leonardo Di Caprio, but you could try bringing in McGyver. He could then try to build a compouter out of rocks and cones, while the girls would solve the case. That might even be funny.
oh, and just fyi: I'm a male, so don't blame any girls for my nagging
Red Baron Jul 15, 2009 07:56 |
Awesome, but I like to keep as much of my favorite stuff found
online in a way I can see it offline (it can be reliably backed up)
so, could anybody link me to a PDF version? |
KOrUPt Jul 14, 2009 04:02 |
Very nice work Mongii, I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for giving some credit!
I noticed a few minor mistakes, "Hand-Rays" whereas it should read "Hex-Rays" being the biggest, others being minor typo's. That aside I like the concept, it certainly makes things easier to understand :).
Keep up the good work. |
singi Jul 10, 2009 10:30 |
wow!! jesus!!
you have very good sense!!
i love tiffany! and SNSD MEMBERS (SNSD is very famous & pretty girl group)
lol! i like that. |