challenge_26 (300 pts)

Optimize this. To solve this challenge, you have to write a python program (you try to fool us, we're at liberty of fooling you back. i.e., no tricks!). The program should be named and has to be sent to along with a secret phrase by 1300h (yes that's one PM). PST, Fr. Dec. 2nd 2011 (If I don't have the mail by then your solution is not considered, if it got lost, too bad). The secret phrase will be sent to your POC erlier in the day. The program receives a single command-line argument (i.e., sys.argv[1]) which is the filename of a file that contains the JSON description of the pusher. Your program has to divide 200CHFs over (exactly) three (different, non-empty) transactions with any team/service (no duplicate services) you choose, in a way that the output in points is maximized. You can assume that you have flags for all teams and all services (Yes we know that's surrealistic). The random value will be 1 - one % of your initial investment (i.e., you launder 31CHFs on one transaction, your random value will be 1 - 0.31 = 0.69). Furthermore, your defense score will be 0.75 in all cases your Q will be 13 times the investment while your N will be 7 times the investment. If you want to do this challenge get an ssh server running on your .9 address and install as authorized key, well pull from there shortly. Your program should output three lines (one for each transaction in the form): [TeamID]:[ServiceID]:[Amount] Furthermore, your program has to terminate within 2 seconds, otherwise your submission will not be taken into consideration. We will then take your output and run it against a fixed input state, and compute the points for all your transactions. The team whose program chooses the best transactions and amounts, wins the 300 points for this challenge. In case of a tie, the team who produces less cut for their chosen mules wins.

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