VM credentials and details: pyjail: hacker/pyth0n!master rbox, secc: hacker/m00nL1ght! standback: hacker/b1ue!Sho3zz oracle: OS users: root/ytghjcnjqgfhjkm1 oracle/ytghjcnjqgfhjkm1 DB users: sys/ytghjcnjqgfhjkm1 system/ytghjcnjqgfhjkm1 task startup: as oracle user: lsnrctl start sqlplus sys/ytghjcnjqgfhjkm1 as sysdba (in sqlplus shell): startup as root: service httpd start task shutdown: as oracle user: lsnrctl stop sqlplus sys/ytghjcnjqgfhjkm1 as sysdba (in sqlplus shell): shutdown immediate as root: service httpd stop task auth: admin/P@ssw0rd9823_#@!hhqqyi Botnet: root:phdphdE$R%T^ phd:rootrootE$R%T^ PHP_JL: phd:jljlphp^&YUHJ DT_VCS: root: beedoobeedoo#$%ERT phd: pupuru>?L:OP markov: markov:/H=63+t.808Q7]j lostandfound: use the livecd:)